My Favorite Quotes

Quotes, Poems and Inspirational Thoughts.

  • Two greatest conflict are not between two people but between one person and himself.

    Garth Brookes

We talk about our heroes,

Who fight for God and home.

We speak of their great courage,

And the strength to stand alone.


Defenders great and scholars all,

They strive against the foe.

Their honor and brave sacrifice

Is more than we will know.


And yet the greatest heroes

Are unknown and overlooked.

These unsung warriors give their all

And yet aren’t found in books.


Their deeds and noble sacrifice

Aren’t told about in song.

Yet still they slay the dragons,

And right the every wrong.


They are knights in shining armor,

Brave princes and great kings.

Though they wear no crown or shining robes,

Before them, monsters flee.


They are wise in every subject

And can change before your eyes.

They switch at once from man to horse,

Then launch you to the skies.


They’re the strongest men you’ll ever know,

Yet gentle as can be.

They’ll pick you up and dust you off

And say “How about round three?”


From birth to death they’ll stand by you,

No matter what the cost.

With patience born of endless love,

They lead you back when lost.


To give a name to such as these

Would be a daunting task.

Words can simply not describe

These men from first to last.


He’s firm, yet kind and loving,

The best friend you’ve ever had.

To the world, he has a thousand names.

But to me, he’s simply Dad.

Jessica Hardy

Submitted by Jessica Hardy on November 19 2012

Two greatest conflict are not between two people but between one person and himself.

Garth Brookes

Submitted by Janice Hardy on September 19 2012 In Famous People

That's the great paradox of living on this earth, that in the midst of great pain, you can have great joy as well.

Kathy Mattea

Submitted by Janice Hardy on September 19 2012 In Famous People

Don't  compromise, even if it hurts to be yourself

Toby Keith

Submitted by Janice Hardy on September 19 2012 In Famous People

To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone, and a funny bone.

Reba McEntire

Submitted by Janice Hardy on September 19 2012 In Famous People

We create our own misery and unhappiness. The purpose of suffering is to make us understand we are the ones who cause it

Willie Nelson

Submitted by Janice Hardy on September 19 2012 In Famous People

If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one

Dolly Parton

Submitted by Janice Hardy on September 19 2012 In Inspirational Thoughts

Leaders can let you fail and yet not let you be a failure

Stanley McChrystal


Submitted by Janice Hardy on September 19 2012 In Inspirational Thoughts

Confidence is 10 percent hard work and 90 percent delusion.

Tina Fey

Submitted by Janice Hardy on September 19 2012 In Humorous

It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all

J K Rowling

Submitted by Janice Hardy on September 19 2012 In Famous People